Saturday, November 17, 2007

Marikina City Goes ASEAN

Last Friday, Nov.16, 2007. The Division of City Schools Marikina Chapter presented an ASEAN Dance show entitled "Marikina City Goes ASEAN" at the teatro Marikina, Marikina City, Philippines.

the show was a collaboration of selected Public Highschool students of marikina city. Each school was assigned an ASEAN Member country which the selected students will perform its national dance. Young as they was the students did an exceptionally good performance.

The show was subdivided into ten parts. Each part features an ASEAN country e.g. Indonesia, Laos, Philippines, Cambodia, Brunei, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, Myanmar and Thailand.

At the back of every performance are power point presentations containing details about the country.

The show was attended by high school students which just goes to show that stuff like this also captures the interests of the young ones.